Stencil Art MDF box

Art for everyone, art for all ages, EASY ART - stencil art!

: Elevate Your Storage: Crafting a Stylish MDF Stencil Art Box

Need functionality products but don’t want them to look boring? Then you should be ready to transform your already exceptional MDF box into a personalized work of art. Look no further! This comprehensive guide is your ticket to turning a high-quality MDF box into a vibrant ethnic masterpiece through the magic of DIY stencil art. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a newbie looking for a creative outlet, this journey promises not just a solution to the ordinary box dilemma but a chance to unlock your inner artist. Let's embark on a problem-solving adventure that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, one stencil at a time.

Functionality first: Introducing Itsy Bitsy's MDF range—a blend of functionality and aesthetics. Crafted with precision, these MDF boxes offer superior quality and a smooth canvas for creative endeavors. Whether you're a crafting enthusiast or seeking stylish storage solutions, Itsy Bitsy's MDF range combines practicality with eye-catching design, ensuring your projects and storage are both functional and visually appealing. Elevate your creativity with Itsy Bitsy's MDF collection, where form meets function in perfect harmony.

Setting the Stage: Exploring Stencil Magic Let's kick things off by talking about stencils. They're like secret tools that can make ordinary stuff look extraordinary. Today, we're giving a makeover to an MDF box, and stencils are our magical helpers.


Step 1: Getting the Base Ready with White Gesso
Think of the MDF box as a blank canvas. To get it ready for our creative journey, we
start with a layer of white gesso. It's like the primer you use before painting a
wall—smooths things out and gets it ready for the real fun. No great artist has started
painting without gesso - that’s the secret for you today.

Step 2: Adding Color with Terracotta Paint (or Your Fave Color)
Now, let's bring in the color! We're using Terracotta chalk paint for a warm, earthy vibe. But you can pick any color you love. Little Birdie Chalk paints are just the best paints to be used on mdf and wood. It gives an elegant matte finish and has the perfect consistency to paint with Imagine this step as if you're giving your box a colorful hug, transforming it into something lively and fun

Step 3: Stencil Time with a Palette Knife
Here comes the cool part—stencils! Choose a design you like, whether it's fancy shapes or classic patterns. Stick the stencil on your painted box and use a palette knife (like a mini spatula) to spread mixed media paste evenly. It's like frosting a cake, but with more creativity involved. The mixed media paste, applied evenly with a palette knife, becomes the bridge between imagination and reality. Say goodbye to the plainness of your MDF box and hello to an artistic expression that solves the problem of storage.

Step 4: Finishing Touch with Matte Varnish
Now, let everything dry. It's like waiting for cookies to cool after baking. Once it's all set, bring in the final touch—matte varnish. This gives your box a smooth finish and keeps
the colors looking awesome. It's like putting a clear coat on your masterpiece.
Ta-da! You've just made your very own ethnic stencil art box. It's not just a box anymore; it's a piece of your creativity. Find a special spot for it, and every time you look at it, remember that you turned a plain thing into something special, one stencil at a time.

DIY magic—you did it! 🌟And good day to you as you just transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary, and that my friend, in itself, is extraordinary