Shop For 2000 & Get 2000 Back
Shop for Rs. 2000 anytime during Feb 2020 & get vouchers worth Rs. 2000 (4 x Rs.500 each), redeemable over next 4 months, from March to June 2020.
Vouchers Will be Emailed on 29th Feb 2020.
Offer valid in all our physical stores and online store.
This offer ends on February 29, 2020.
- Redemption of ₹500 per month is valid on minimum shopping bill of ₹2000 per month.
- Physical vouchers received at the store can be redeemed only at the store. Coupon code received online through the webstore can be redeemed only online at
- It is mandatory to redeem the physical voucher/ online coupon code of one month in that same month. For example – Rs. 500 voucher/ coupon code for March can be redeemed only in March 2020 and so on.
- This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer/ gift voucher.
- Not more than 1 gift voucher can be redeemed on a single purchase.
- Itsy Bitsy Pvt Ltd. reserves the right to withdraw, change or modify the terms and conditions as well as offers at any time without any prior notice.